in this issue

By Lisa A. Tyler
National Escrow Administrator

Look - we just got a makeover! We have a fresh new look and a new distribution date. Our research has shown previous editions of this newsletter are more widely read by our audience when distributed on a Tuesday. As a result, starting this month and moving forward, Fraud Insights will be distributed on the second Tuesday of every month. We want to reach as many readers as possible and continue to change the real estate industry for the better.

The lead story in this edition, "Husband's Exit Strategy," illustrates the importance of knowing our limits with regard to documents signed under duress or coercion. As the title insurer, we have to take seriously statements such as, "I was forced to sign." We must always refuse to insure transactions involving parties who feel threatened or forced in any way to sign over their rights to real property, because those documents are then later voidable.

The story entitled "All In The Family" is a short story about a family whose men held the same name - generation after generation. As a result, when property transferred from one generation to the next, the family members never deeded the property to the next generation, since title was held in the common family name.

You'll notice two heroic employees in these stories were rewarded $1,000 each. You could be next! Share your own fraud-busting story with us by emailing the details to or calling us at 949.622.4425.


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