in this issue

Let us discuss some of the other elements and methods of ransomware.

Malware which contains lockers, locks a computer or device's operating system so the user cannot access it (in addition to encrypting the data on it). It is commonly deployed on Android–based systems. 

Scareware is a type of software which behaves like an antivirus shield or cleaning program. It may enable pop-ups or other alerts to appear claiming to have found an issue and demand money to clear it up. In some cases, it may include a locker. 

Syndicates use doxware, leakware or extortionware to threaten their victims to pay the ransom demanded or they will publish all the stolen data publicly. They target entities who deal in highly sensitive data (such as law firms) and would likely pay the ransom rather than suffer the public relations issues if the data was published publicly. 

Creators sell user-friendly ransomware-as-a-service RaaS kits on the Dark Web or may lease their malware to other criminals in exchange for a percentage of any ransom the purchaser receives for launching a successful attack. Ransomware-as-a-service has resulted in an increase in ransomware attacks since this service lowers the technical expertise needed to carry out an attack. 

Even Apple's Macintosh® Operating System was successfully hacked through an app called Transmission in 2016. The malicious software encrypted the victim's computer. 

Mobile devices are a target too. The most common way into a mobile device is through an application which enables a message stating the device has been locked due to illegal activity. It is often just Scareware but may include a locker. 

As you can see, no one is immune to these types of attacks. However, being aware of these types of attacks, using virus scanners and email content filters is the best defense. 

Next month, we will share tips for those who are attacked.

Article provided by contributing author:
Diana Hoffman, Corporate Escrow Administrator
Fidelity National Title Group
National Escrow Administration 

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