in this issue

By Lisa A. Tyler
National Escrow Administrator

A real estate agent hired a landscaper she had never met. He performed the work on a listed property, and she paid him by check. Find out how he swindled her in the article aptly named “DUPLICATE check cashing.”

“THIRD-party deposits” is an article suggested by our esteemed colleagues in the Dormant Solutions Group, because third-party deposits accepted into escrow continue to cause problems on transactions that fail to close. It is a must read for all settlement agents. 

All-Star was the theme for the 2023 FNF annual escrow training events. National Escrow Administration chose this theme because of our deep belief that our colleagues are the All-Stars in the industry. They are what differentiates our Company from the competition. 

Our settlement agents nationwide provide a top-notch customer experience, which is proven by our market share. They are the best of the best in the industry. Read the nominations for the February 2023 recipients of the All-Star Award in the article entitled “ALL-stars.”

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