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According to Cyber Security experts, when e–skimming occurs, an online shopper's credit card information is skimmed from the merchandise checkout page. Then it is stored and sold in bulk on the dark web or used to make new purchases.

Since the card is stolen during a valid purchase, the skimmers know the card is active and available for use, making it extremely valuable. This type of attack is referred to as "Magecart skimming." Magecart refers to cyberattacks in which hackers implant malicious computer code into websites, in order to steal credit card information as a shopper enters it during online checkout.

To help protect a consumer from becoming victim to an e–skimming crime, experts recommend the consumer to not use their debit card when shopping online. This practice reduces the exposure of theft of the funds in their bank account. Also, it is recommended to shop online with a company that has already stored the consumer's credit card information, so it does not have to be entered again — into a possibly malicious site.

Experts suggest using mobile payment systems when available, as they are less vulnerable to e–skimming, since the mobile payment system sends a one–time token of credit card information. Even if criminals skim the purchase at checkout, they will only have access to the token — not the actual credit card information.

Next month's cyber buzz article explains how the use of electronic currency has continued to expand within the real estate industry. While the process of using electronic currency has not changed the technology behind it, blockchain and tokenization may change the way real estate is owned. Read all about it next month.


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