in this issue

A husband and wife were signing their loan closing documents with a mobile signing agent at their home. The mobile signing agent assigned to the task could not be bothered to travel to the borrowers' home, so he sent his wife. He planned on his wife obtaining the signatures and then returning the documents to him to notarize.

While at the borrowers' home, the notary's wife saw hot dog buns on the kitchen counter and asked the borrowers to make her a hot dog. The borrowers made her the hotdog. She ate it while they continued signing their loan documents. After she was done with the first hot dog, she asked for another one. The signers obliged and prepared her another and then continued to sign their documents.

When the wife of the mobile signing agent left, the borrowers immediately called their settlement agent to make her aware of what had transpired. The settlement agent knew the commissioned notary could not legally notarize the documents without the physical presence of the signers.

The settlement agent cancelled the signing, obtained the original documents from the signing agent and scheduled a new signing appointment for the borrowers. This story is just another weird sign of the times.

Our Company has a code of conduct mobile signing agents must agree and adhere to.  Clearly, this signing agent did anything but adhere to it. The signing agent will no longer be permitted to handle signings for any of the FNTG Family of Companies. Neither will his wife. Our Company and customers expect a higher standard of conduct.


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