in this issue

By Lisa A. Tyler
National Escrow Administrator

The Disbursement Solutions Group (DSG) operates as a national back office tasked with clearing up files with funds remaining. The file in the story entitled "DSG = doing some good" had funds on deposit in question between a developer and homeowners' association. The Disbursement Solutions Group is comprised of some of the unsung heroes at FNTG; until now. Read about one of these heroes.

"ANOTHER weird 2020 story" contains a unique mobile signing story that is somewhat entertaining, but mostly just disturbing. Give it a quick read.

Ransomware continues to make headlines across all industries and continues to cost millions of dollars. However, did you know that there are many other types of malware looking to steal your information? We look at the top 10 types of malware from 2019 in the last cyber buzz article of the year entitled "TOP ten malware."


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